Pursuit for Truth - First Level Events
Pursuit for Truth events are designed for men and women to experience a fresh encounter with God. Our desire is to see individuals redeemed back to being the man or woman that God created them to be and to give them the tools to be able to live their lives in His Truth. Everyone will leave this event in a refreshed pursuit for God and they will be better fathers/mothers, husbands/wives, leaders, sons/daughters, and better men/women. Are you ready?
Men's Pursuit for Truth
Our Men's Pursuit for Truth events are designed for men to experience a fresh encounter with God. Our desire is to see men redeemed back to being the man that God created them to be and to give them the tools to be able to live their lives in that Truth. Men will leave this event in a new pursuit for God and they will be better fathers, husbands, leaders, sons, and better men.
Women's Pursuit for Truth
Pursuit for Truth is most often described as “Life Changing”.
Are you ready to discover all that God has for you? Do you want to draw close to Him and spend time in His presence? You can certainly do that anywhere, but we invite you to come away into a quiet, peaceful time of intentional healing and restoration found only in Him.
This is not your typical “retreat”. Ephesians 6:12 says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. This is a battlefield.
Marriage Pursuit for Truth
Our Marriage Pursuit for Truth events are designed for men and women to experience a fresh encounter with God and to have their union strengthened. Our desire is to see marriages redeemed back to that which God created them to be and to give them the tools to be able to live their lives in that Truth. Married couples will leave this event in a new pursuit for God and they will be better spouses, parents, leaders, and members of their community.
What's Next After Pursuit?
We offer three second level events for those who have completed a first level Pursuit for Truth event. These events are designed to dive deeper into the calling the Lord has over each person. We will focus on being battle ready for anything the enemy throws our way. More informaiton on each event is listed below. Are you battle ready?
Second Level Events
Unity - Marriage
Unity is for husband and wife couples in which both have gone through Pursuit for Truth. This is second level event. If one or both of you have not gone through Pursuit, please check out Marriage Pursuit. It is very important that a strong personal foundation has been laid before attending Unity together.
Battle Readiness - Men
After laying the groundwork at Men's Pursuit we invite past Pursuit Brothers to a this next level event. During Battle Readiness you will discover tools and resources to help you become more battle ready in every aspect of your life.
Eshet Hayil - Women
At Eshet Hayil we will build upon the foundation that was laid at Pursuit, by diving deeper into the Word, establishing our weapons of prayer, worship, and authority against the schemes of the enemy. We will also dig deeper into our true identity through the eyes of our Creator, as discribed in His Word.
Community Events
Golf Tournament
August 17, 2024
Preston West Par3 Golf Course
$180 per team (3 player teams)
Come out to support the ministry and have a blast with you buddies. Registration is required, click the button belw to register your team!
Echelon Front Extreme Leadership
Echelon Front Extreme Leadership Training with Chief Training Officer (and Pursuit brother) JP Dinnell! These kind of opportunities are few and far between in the Texas Panhandle. DON'T MISS THIS!! You will not regret investing in yourself. This training is like none other! Learn how U.S. Navy Seals LEAD on WIN. The combat leadership lessons for life and business can be implemented by absolutely everyone.
Discounted rate for Veterans and 1st Responders (use code FIRST2024).
📍Amarillo, Texas
📍 Friday, Sept 27, 2024
📍 8am-3:30pm
📍 Tickets available at