Pursuit for Truth - First Level Events

We offer Pursuit for Truth in three formats; Men's, Women's, and Married Couples. The three events are all very similar. We recognize that we are spiritual being having a temporary physical earthly experience. In that we are all in need of redemption and healing that comes from a relationship with the Lord, we take the time to address some of the things that are keeping us from fully surrendering to Him. Pursuit for Truth will give you the tools to combat the enemy's schemes and walk in a life of abundant freedom.

It was once said by our founder “We don’t retreat, we Pursue” and it stuck! That is now our tagline and for good reason, time is intentional and we make the most of all of it. Some of our time together will be in a group setting and some will be alone with the Lord. Pursuit is different than most, if not all, of the retreats you may have attended. We are not there to relax and rejuvenate -those things are good and needed, but they are physical and the results fade when you go back to your daily grind. At Pursuit we are there to press in and pursue the Father, as He is pursuing us. To break free from those things which are holding us back from our all the Lord is calling us into. The more you put in, the more you will get out. 

  • When I arrived I was excited but beat down by my hurts and pains. Being here gave me the tools to push those pains, hurts, and sins out of me instead of socking them away. This experience was incredible! I can't thank you all enough for allowing the Spirit to work through you to help me! You men are amazing, THANK YOU!

  • Absolutely amazing! I feel like a new creation. I am definitely a changed man. I will use the tools and weapons I've been equipped with to love and bless others. I now know without a doubt that I am free and I have chosen by God Almighty to do His will and be about His business. I love you all and God bless you all. Keep fighting the good fight.

  • I came here with little expectations. Boy was I underestimating the strength and power of this event. I dedicated my life to God two months prior to this event. That was merely the first step in God's plan for me. He has provided WIT Ministries with the vision to facilitate a drastic and life long change to my heart and soul. I have found the path God has set out for me. I am so grateful that I got the opportunity to join in P9, and will cherish this weekend as the time my life turned to God, forever.